Monday, July 16, 2007

A Brief Insight of the McCaffery Boys since April 2007

Wow, so much to write, so little time. I must confess I am not happy with our Blogger/Goggle Account. I went and updated our account as they asked but now I can not get into our old blog

 for the life of me. Thus, for those of you just reading about our family. It's best to begin at that blog and then return to this one.

Anyhow, I am happy to report that life with us is quite wonderful. Our boys are healthy, happy and kind to one another and to all that they meet, so we feel quite blessed. It's hard to believe it's been over 1 yr since Sam and I have returned from Karaganda, Kazakhstan. I'm happy to report Sam is doing wonderfully at school. He is now only 6 months behind his chronilogical age of 5 1/2 years. We are happy to say we have had only a bit of issues to deal with that are due to him being institutionalized for nearly 3 plus years. We will hold him back to complete another year of Montessori Preschool, while his brother, Ian, also 5 1/2 will attend Kindergarten. This should be interesting as they are two peas in a pod, as if twins from birth. Sam's preschool teacher adores him and is strict like his Mama but also is very affectionate with praise and hugs!! She is from Mexico and is teaching the boys Spanish, which Sam really enjoys, better than English, or so he says. We are happy to state Sam is no longer on his daily TB anti-biotics, but was diagnosed with minor hearing loss and will have tubes put into his ears this Oct. Our boys are learning to swim and since they go 2x/wk to Mr. Charlie at the USAFA for their private lessons, I didn't want to jinx their amazing progress by having Sam to have to worry about his ear plugs. Here are a few photos from May, June and July....